Request 9: PWG3 - UrQMD, flow, 10M min. bias AuAu,BiBi @ 7.7 GeV

I would like to request the following centralized Monte-Carlo production for the purpose of anisotropic flow studies. This production will rely on GEANT4 to simulate the detector response and use UrQMD as an event generator for two colliding systems: Au+Au and Bi+Bi. Requested statistics is 10M events for each system (Au+Au and Bi+Bi). Beam energy is 7.7 GeV.

The example of UrQMD input file is attached below. This production also will use slightly modified runMC.C and reco.C. The former has full azimuthal RP rotation and the latter - recommended TOF time resolution and turned off EmcHitCreation due to some stability issues with it. Resulted data will be stored in MpdDst and MiniDst formats. The version of MPDROOT corresponds to the commit cc930d2ca4abf0346ad118fbd4d934a4bafaab44 from Sun Sep 13 14:18:10 2020 (dev branch).

Please find below the examples of UrQMD input file, runMC.C and reco.C:
inputfile (109 Bytes) (for Au+Au)
inputfile (109 Bytes) (for Bi+Bi)
runMC.C (10.4 KB)
reco.C (7.6 KB)

Note, that ‘rsd’ parameter in the UrQMD input file should be different for each UrQMD run (each file/job). In the examples above the value denoted as @RANDOM@.

Briefly, the production chain consists of the following steps:

  1. Event generation using UrQMD with the input files attached above with 500 min. bias AuAu@7.7 and BiBi@7.7 GeV events per run. The value ‘rsd’ should be set individually for each UrQMD run.
  2. Use MPDROOT version with commit cc930d2ca4abf0346ad118fbd4d934a4bafaab44 from the dev branch.
  3. For the simulation of the detector response, use the attached runMC.C file which is set for UrQMD events, GEANT4 in VMC, and a full azimuthal RP rotation.
  4. For the reconstruction phase, use the attached reco.C file with the recommended TOF time resolution and turned off EmcHitCreation. It produces files in MpdDst and MiniDst formats.

The required statistics is 10M events for each colliding system (Au+Au and Bi+Bi).
Please, store both formats at NICA cluster.

The request is approved by the PWG3 co-convenor Arkadiy Taranenko

AuAu done.

BiBi done