Request 10: PWG3 - vHLLE+UrQMD, flow, 15M min. bias AuAu @ 11.5 GeV

I would like to request the following centralized Monte-Carlo production for the purpose of anisotropic flow studies. This production will rely on GEANT4 to simulate the detector response and use hybrid vHLLE+UrQMD as an event generator for Au+Au collisions. Requested statistics is 15M events for each equation of state (EoS). Beam energy is 11.5 GeV.

The event generator data from vHLLE+UrQMD model is stored in mcDst format.
The results with crossover EoS (XPT) are stored here:
The results with first order phase transition EoS (1PT) are stored here:

Each McDst file has TTree with 1000 events.

The version of MPDROOT corresponds to the commit cc930d2ca4abf0346ad118fbd4d934a4bafaab44 from Sun Sep 13 14:18:10 2020 (dev branch).

Please, find below the example of runMC.C and reco.C:
runMC.C (10.9 KB)
reco.C (7.6 KB)
Macro reco.C is the same that was used in the production request 9 (link).

Note, that in both runMC.C and reco.C, the number of processed events (nEvents) must be set the same as in the McDst (nEvents=1000).

Please, store both formats at NICA cluster.

The request is approved by the PWG3 co-convenor Arkadiy Taranenko

Clarification: the number of processed events (nEvents) can be reduced if several jobs will read the same input McDst file (for example, if nEvents=500, job1 will process events 0-499 and job2 - 500-1000 from the same McDst file). One just must check that the events are not duplicated in those jobs.

mpdroot commit also the same as in request9?

Yes - that way both productions would be done in the same environment.

Thanks. Started. 500 events per file.

Are you sure this version of MpdVHLLEGenerator.h/cxx has impact parameter values and event-plane smearing?
Are those needed?

Hi Nikolay,

Really, the MpdVHLLEGenerator.h/cxx does not have those you mentioned, but an interface to be used when reading the mcDst-format has it.

MpdMcDstGenerator* mcDstGen = new MpdMcDstGenerator(inFile);
mcDstGen->SetEventPlane(0., 180. * TMath::DegToRad());

The output from the vHLLE-model is given in this format.

Okay, thank you! I was not aware this class was used.

XPT Mini:
XPT reco:
1PT Mini:
1PT reco:

Can I ask what is the difference between 0 and 1 files?
I see there is a difference of about a Megabyte.

MC data sourced from AuAu_ecm11.5GeV_hydroON_EoSXPT_0-16fm_1000ev_9999.mcDst.root.
AuAu_ecm11.5GeV_hydroON_EoSXPT_0-16fm_1000ev_9999-0.reco.root recostruction events 0-499.
AuAu_ecm11.5GeV_hydroON_EoSXPT_0-16fm_1000ev_9999-1.reco.root recostruction events 500-999.

1000 events per task is a lot for old tier2 nodes. Do not fit within 24 hours per task. I had to divide the file processing into 2 parts, 500 events each.

When I try e.g. to open /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/MiniDst/dst-AuAu-11.5GeV-mp10-20-pwg3-1000ev/AuAu/11.5GeV-00.0_16.0fm/vHLLE_UrQMD/hydro-XPT-mp10-20-pwg3/AuAu_ecm11.5GeV_hydroON_EoSXPT_0-16fm_1000ev_10069-1.reco.MiniDst.root
i got error “not a ROOT file”.
Also for many files I get warnings like “R__unzip: error -3 in inflate (zlib)”. Some files are ok, some seem to be corrupted.
Did somebody had similar problems?
Did somebody had similiar problems?
I use one of the latest version of mpdroot.