Request4: PWG3 - UrQMD, min. bias, BiBi @ 9 GeV

DST: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev/BiBi/09.0GeV-0-14fm/UrQMD/BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev-1,2,3,4
MiniDST: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/MiniDst/dst-BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev/BiBi/09.0GeV-0-14fm/UrQMD/BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev-1,2,3,4
DST: /eos/nica/mpd/dirac/mpd.nica.jinr/vo/mpd/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev/BiBi/09.0GeV-0-14fm/UrQMD/BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev-1,2,3,4
MiniDST: /eos/nica/mpd/dirac/mpd.nica.jinr/vo/mpd/data/MiniDST/dst-BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev/BiBi/09.0GeV-0-14fm/UrQMD/BiBi-09GeV-mp07-20-pwg3-250ev-1,2,3,4

Hi Andrey,

Thanks a lot!

Hi Andrey,

I would like to up the topic and ask you for a small production directly related to those one you you did for us. Could you, please, reconstruct 200 000 events (when it is possible, of course) from the input you were provided already and using the same revision of the MpdRoot software like it was when doing the previous production?

The idea that motivated us to ask you for the small production is that we observed a strange behavior of reconstructed track momenta for the case of XY-smearing of primary vertex.

So, the attached simu-macro with a small smearing along XY introduced and to be used for the small production to be done could help us to have a reference point for the desirable comparison. The reco-macro remains the same.

Thanks in advance!
runMC.C (9.5 KB)

Hi, Pavel.
Now all available resources are used for pwg1 and pwg4 productions. I can start the required 100,000 events approximately in Sunday.


Sure, not a problem. I do agree.

Sorry, of course 200,000 and not 100,000. Govorun team allocated additional resources to us and I added the requested 200,000 to the Govorun queue. As the tasks of pwg4 end up, your tasks will be processed, most likely from tomorrow morning.

200 000 QA events on nica cluster in
dst: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09GeV-mp08-20-pwg3-250ev/BiBi/09.0GeV-0-14fm/UrQMD/BiBi-09GeV-mp08-20-pwg3-250ev-1
MiniDst: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/MiniDst/dst-BiBi-09GeV-mp08-20-pwg3-250ev/BiBi/09.0GeV-0-14fm/UrQMD/BiBi-09GeV-mp08-20-pwg3-250ev-1

Hi Andrey,

Thank you very much. Appreciate your help.


I look and those data and found few strange things eg. vertex position of first event in file is always the same, also Impact parameters are suspicious. It seems that simulation runs over the same (MC) data.
I attached the macro that illustrates the problem.
mudst3.C (2.5 KB)

Something similar is present in request6 (smash) production. One can see a strange peak in vertex Z positionvertexZ_smash_bibi_9point46.pdf (16.4 KB)