Request3: PWG2 - resonances, embedded 10M minbias AuAu@11

I would like to request the following centralized Monte Carlo production for the purpose of resonance studies. This is going to be a Geant3 production. The UrQMD generated UrQMD AuAu@11 events are enhanced with injected resonances of interest (with flat pT and rapidity distributions). The production is focused on multiplicity/centrality dependent study of resonance production and will have limited applicability for other analyses. The requested statistics is 10M events.

Please find below the request details.

inputfile (357 Bytes)
UserDecay.C (17.8 KB)
runMC.C (14.5 KB)
reco.C (7.8 KB)

  1. Events are generated by UrQMD. It should be run with an attached inputfile, which was set up to generate 500 minbias AuAu@11 collisions. Some of the particles are requested to be stable in the input file to be further decayed by Geant.
    Important : The value of ‘rsd’ parameter should be set as a unique integer for each UrQMD run.
  2. Make a fresh check-out of the dev version of the mpdroot, then compile it. Replace mpdroot/gconfig/UserDecay.C file with the attached file. The file defines new particles and new decay modes for the resonances.
  3. For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro. It enhances the generated UrQMD events with extra injected particles.
  4. For reconstruction please use the attached reco.C macro. It produces standard DST files.


  1. In this production, we do not need to store the intermediate files from steps (1) and (3) produced by UrQMD and runMC.C macro. They can be removed after or during production.
  2. In this production, we do need to produce uDST files, the reco.C file was modified accordingly.
  3. To validate the production configuration, we need ~ 100,000 events reconstructed for QA.
  4. The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.
  5. We need a tagged version of reconstruction software.

LIT hydra
LIT lxpub
Nica cluster