Request13: PWG4 - dielectrons, 15M UrQMD BiBi@9.2

Geant-4 based PWG4 request for Bi (83/209) +Bi (83/209) collisions at 9.2 GeV. Extra variables are added to the DSTs to apply dphi/dzed differential matching cuts in the TOF.

Please find below the request details:

inputfile (306 Bytes)
runMC.C (10.9 KB)
reco.C (8.7 KB)
MpdDecayConfig.txt (357 Bytes)
MpdStack.cxx (21.5 KB)
MpdTofMatchingData.cxx (2.8 KB)
MpdTofMatchingData.h (3.4 KB)

This is a general-purpose project, includes simulation of the MPD-ECAL (v.3 geometry). Minbias events are generated by UrQMD, light vector meson BR for dielectron decays are enhanced by x20. Decays of short-lived resonances (to have realistic peak widths) and pi0/eta-meson are managed by Pythia8.

The simulation project consists of a few stages:

Events are generated by UrQMD. It should be run with an attached inputfile, which was set up to generate 500 minbias BiBi@9.2 collisions. Some of the particles are requested to be stable in the input file to be further decayed in the mpdroot. Important: The value of ‘rsd’ parameter should be set as a unique integer for each UrQMD run.
Make a fresh check-out of the -dev branch of the MpdRoot, replace:
files with the attached versions and then compile.

For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro.
For reconstruction please use the attached reco.C macro. It produces standard DST files.

To validate the production configuration, we need ~ 200,000 events reconstructed for QA.
The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.
The ‘mpdroot’ should be tagged for this production.

QA done:

Thanks, Andrey!
I had a look at the test production and it looks good to me. Let’s proceed with mass production.
If possible, I would like to ask you to upload the produced DST files to the NICA cluster in batches, so that we could start processing them asap. Thanks.

As practice has shown, copying right away in the script is a bad idea; when you download a large number of files at the same time, to many broken files appear.
In production, I run a daemon that synchronizes production folders in LIT and LHEP once per day. If needed, synchronization can be started more than once per day.
The first reconstructed data will appear on next week.
At the request of the Baikal collaboration on clusters of tier1,2, the system of access to eos was changed and therefore urqmd package now unavailable for me on tier1, 2 (urqmd placed in eos).
Administrators are still working on this issue.
Therefore first I will generate 15,000,000 events on the GOVORUN and the NICA cluster,
and only after generation finished start the simulation and reconstruction on all clusters at the same time.
