This is a Geant-4 based PWG4 request for a new Monte Carlo production. The production is for Bi (83/209) +Bi (83/209) collisions at 9.2 GeV, which is considered as a day-1 configuration. Extra variables are added to the DSTs to apply dphi/dzed differential matching cuts in the TOF.
This is a general-purpose project, which includes simulation of the MPD-ECAL (v.3 geometry) and has enhanced (x20) probabilities for light vector meson decays to ee+X channels. Since original branching for such decays is 10^-4-10^-5, the enhancement does not affect the simulation of hadrons. Decays of short-lived resonances (to have realistic peak widths) and pi0/eta-meson are managed by Pythia8.
The simulation project consists of a few stages:
Events are generated by UrQMD. It should be run with an attached inputfile, which was set up to generate 500 minbias BiBi@9.2 collisions. Some of the particles are requested to be stable in the input file to be further decayed in the mpdroot. Important : The value of ‘rsd’ parameter should be set as a unique integer for each UrQMD run.
Make a fresh check-out of the -dev branch of the MpdRoot, replace
files with the attached versions and then compile.
Replace file gconfig/MpdDecayConfig.txt with the attached one.
For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro.
For reconstruction please use the attached reco.C macro. It produces standard DST files.
In this production, we do not need to store any intermediate files, we need only the DSTs.
To validate the production configuration, we need ~ 200,000 events reconstructed for QA.
The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.
The ‘mpdroot’ should be tagged for this production.
Dear Andrey, after some studies, we decided to modify the original request. The request details have been updated in the header of the thread. The main changes are that:
we move back to the -dev branch of the MpdRoot for the production
we increased number of events to 15M
Please remove the produced test files. We are going to need another test run for 200,000 events.
The production is finished. All 30,000 files with 500 events per file are in /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09.2GeV-mp02-21-500ev/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/UrQMD/BiBi-09.2GeV-mp02-21-500ev. The production took 3 days longer than expected due to minor problems on 2 clusters. The production tasks were the most difficult of all 11 productions. Up to 14 hours only for the simulation of 500 events. Many thanks to the LIT team for the additional 520 cores. Regarding the data transmission channel eos-eos VBLHEP-LIT: new switches of 40 gigabits have already been purchased, but have not yet been configured, this will take some time.