We would like to request a set of generator-only SMASH [1] productions (i.e. without GEANT response and reconstruction). The aim is to make a system-size vs energy scan and calculate predictions for a number of global and fluctuation/correlation observables relevant at MPD/NICA, with good statistical precision. The productions will be used for physics studies within PWG1 (Global observables) according to our RFBR grant project. Such productions are of interest for PWG1, PWG3, and, possibly, for other groups.
- colliding systems: pp, C+C, Ar+Ar, Xe-Xe, Au+Au [2].
- energies (center of mass): 4, 7, 9, 11 GeV.
In total, 20 system-energy combinations.
Configuration files
The archive with SMASH yaml configurations for each system-energy: (13.7 KB) .
Each config file sets a system, energy, and an impact parameter range. The number of events per run is set to 10k for A-A, and 50k for pp (since pp is generated much faster). The output format: ROOT-files with event trees (with the extended output for particles). -
Events with no interaction are not written. => For A-A collisions, a number of events in output root-files from SMASH will be smaller than it is set in config-files. For each A-A system, impact parameter ranges are tuned [3] in such a way that SMASH output contains approximately 50% of non-empty events.
In order to ensure good enough statistical significance for a number of observables, we would like to request the following number of events:
- For each A-A system and each energy: 20 mln events (such that ~10 mln are non-empty and will be written on tape, see above).
- For each pp energy: 50 mln.
Details of the request
- The SMASH version to be used is 1.8.
- The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster, if possible.
[1] SMASH (Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly-interacting Hadrons) is a relativistic hadronic transport approach for the dynamical description of heavy-ion reactions.
[2] More explicitly, the following isotopes of those elements (available from Nuclotron according to NICA White Paper p, C12, Ar40, Xe124, Au197.
[3] This allows one to probe the full impact parameter range (i.e. “emulate” the minimum-bias collisions).