This is a PWG2 request to produce 15M (15 10^6) Min. bias Bi+Bi collisions at 9 GeV. This data set will be used for a variety of feasibility studies, including:
- hadron spectra and yields in centrality selected events as a function
of phase-space variables (pT,y); - multi-strangeness production (Lambda, Xi, Omega) in centrality bins;
- light nuclei production (d, t, 3He, 4He);
- hypernuclei reconstruction.
As the event generator, we want to use the PHQMD model (based on the PHSD generator), which describes strangeness production (including (anti)multistrangeness) in the NICA energy range, as well as implements partonic and hadronic degrees of freedom, chiral symmetry restoration, a set of appropriate EoSs, and (hyper)cluster formation. The number of events is dictated by the estimates for the yields of hypernuclei. All PHQMD events are ready and the standard PHSD interface can be used to read them
The simulation details:
- We want the ‘tpcDedx’ branch of the MPDRoot, which includes the recent modifications in the dE/dx simulation and tracking;|
- event centrality will be defined by the TPC track multiplicity and PID will be achieved by dE/dx+TOF information, thus, we need only TPC and TOF detectors in the MPD setup;|
- we want to use GEANT3 for particle propagation;|
The PHQMD data set is on the NICA cluster:
There are 15 subdirectories (run01, run02, … run15), every directory comprises 2000 files with 500 events in each file.
For simulation, the attached geometry geometry_stage1.C (1.3 KB) and runMC.C (10.2 KB) C macros should be used.
For reconstruction, the attached reco.C (7.6 KB) should be used.
In this production, we do not need to store any intermediate files.
After the reconstruction of about 200,000 events, stored on the NICA cluster, we have to validate the production by making several QA tests. After that, the production of the remaining part should be resumed.
The contact person for this production on behalf of PWG2 is Viktar Kireyeu (; (21)6-47-56)
Vadim Kolesnikov, PWG2 coordinator.