Note: This production is similar to the prod. 35 but with symmetrical colliding system: Xe-Xe instead of Xe-W.
UrQMD (eos 1) + Geant-4 based general-purpose simulation project for minbias (b = 0-15 fm) Xe124 + W184 (fixed target) collisions at T = 2.5 GeV/n. The wire-target is installed at z = -85 cm, wire diameter is 100 um, wire is shifted by 1 cm upwards in Y. Short-lived resonances are decayed by Pythia8.
Please find below the request details:
inputfile (376 Bytes)
reco.C (8.8 KB)
runMC.C (11.4 KB)
Please use the same version of the MpdRoot as for production 35.
Please run UrQMD with the attached ‘inputfiule’ input file. Please make sure that ‘rsd’ (random number seed) variable is changed for each job. The jobs will take much longer than usual with option ‘eos 1’, this is normal
For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro.
For reconstruction please use the attached reco.C macro. It produces standard DST files.
To validate the production configuration as well as cross-check the implementation of the incorporated fixes, we need ~ 1,000,000 events reconstructed for QA.
The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.
Please keep aside one file after the Geant simulation. It will be needed to initialize the geometry in some analysis macros.
Please tag the ‘mpdroot’ version for this production.
QA: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-XeXe-02.5GeV-mp09-24-500ev-req36/XeXe/02.5GeV-ft/urqmd/XeXe-02.5GeV-mp09-24-500ev-req36
runMC output: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/mc/req36/urqmd-XeXe-02.5GeV-mb-eos0-500-0.dst.root
Thank you! Basic QA seems ok, so we can go with the full statistics.
After some bug fixes and investigations, I would like to ask to redo this production.
It will contain both Xe+W and Xe+Xe colliding systems and perform UrQMD generation in the center of velocity frame. The Lorentz boost to lab system is performed in the runMC.C macro (line 214).
We will need 15M events for each Xe+Xe and Xe+W data sets. The energy is the same: T = 2.5 GeV/n.
You can use the latest MpdRoot available at the moment (i.e. commit from 10.01.25: ea5a8ccbaa4449b4d67a9c693e093d0b3f41dc61).
You can find below the needed files (input configuration for the UrQMD, ROOT macro for simulation and reconstruction). Input configuration files ‘inputfile’ for UrQMD model are set to generate Xe+Xe, Xe+W collisions at T=2.5 GeV/n in center of velocity frame with mean-field mode. ROOT macro for simulation ‘runMC.C’ reads UrQMD data, performs Lorentz boost to the lab system (line 214) and properly rotates reaction plane within full 360 degrees (line 212). ROOT macro for reconstruction ‘reco.C’ is the standard one without any changes.
For Xe+Xe set:
inputfile (375 Bytes)
runMC.C (11.4 KB)
reco.C (8.8 KB)
For Xe+W set:
inputfile (374 Bytes)
runMC.C (11.4 KB)
reco.C (8.8 KB)
Please run UrQMD with the attached ‘inputfiule’ input files for Xe+Xe and Xe+W data sets. Since UrQMD will generate collisions in the mean-field mode, the job might take a long time - this is normal.
For simulation, please use the attached ‘runMC.C’ macros. Please make sure that ‘rsd’ (random number seed) variable is changed for each job.
For reconstruction please use the attached reco.C macro. It produces standard DST files.
To validate the production configuration as well as cross-check the implementation of the incorporated fixes, we need ~ 1,000,000 events reconstructed for QA.
The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster EOS.
Please keep aside one file after the Geant simulation. It will be needed to initialize the geometry in some analysis macros.
Please tag the ‘mpdroot’ version for this production.
QA samples:
runMC outputs:
Checked QA: there’s missing option in the reco.C to set fixed target properly (line 169 in the reco.C below).
Can you please repeat QA set with the following reco.C?
reco.C (8.8 KB)
Use inputfile and runMC.C from the post above.
Done. Copied the new sample to the same folders
Checked QA:
Basic QA and v1, v2 look ok. We can continue with the full production.