Request 35: General-purpose, 15M UrQMD (mean-field) Xe-W (T = 2.5 GeV/n, FXT)

UrQMD (eos 1) + Geant-4 based general-purpose simulation project for minbias (b = 0-15 fm) Xe124 + W184 (fixed target) collisions at T = 2.5 GeV/n. The wire-target is installed at z = -85 cm, wire diameter is 100 um, wire is shifted by 1 cm upwards in Y. Short-lived resonances are decayed by Pythia8.

Please find below the request details:

inputfile (376 Bytes)
reco.C (8.8 KB)
runMC.C (11.4 KB)

Please use the latest version of the MpdRoot (later than August, 12).

Please run UrQMD with the attached ‘inputfiule’ input file. Please make sure that ‘rsd’ (random number seed) variable is changed for each job. The jobs will take much longer than usual with option ‘eos 1’, this is normal

For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro.
For reconstruction please use the attached reco.C macro. It produces standard DST files.

To validate the production configuration as well as cross-check the implementation of the incorporated fixes, we need ~ 1,000,000 events reconstructed for QA.

The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.

Please keep aside one file after the Geant simulation. It will be needed to initialize the geometry in some analysis macros.

Please tag the ‘mpdroot’ version for this production.

QA: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-XeW-02.5GeV-mp08-24-500ev-req35/XeW/02.5GeV-ft/urqmd/XeW-02.5GeV-mp08-24-500ev-req35

Dear Andrey,
Lets proceed with full production. Thanks!
With best regards, Victor.

Done: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-XeW-02.5GeV-mp08-24-500ev-req35/XeW/02.5GeV-ft/urqmd/XeW-02.5GeV-mp08-24-500ev-req35