Request 33: Flow MPD FXT - UrQMD, 11M BiBi @ 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 GeV

I would like to request the following centralized Monte-Carlo production for the purpose of anisotropic flow studies. This production will rely on GEANT4 to simulate the detector response and use UrQMD (mean-field mode) as an event generator for Bi+Bi collisions. Requested statistics is 11M events for each beam energy: 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 GeV.

The event generator data from UrQMD model is stored in UniGen format here:
2.5 GeV:
3.0 GeV:
3.5 GeV:

The latest MPDROOT version can be used for this production - it must have commit 37383c068e21a7c074615833e8489aed4209357d (23 August 2023) that introduces the option for running UniGen model data in fixed-target mode.

Please, find below the example of runMC.C and runReco.C:
runMC.C (11.7 KB)
runReco.C (6.5 KB)

The first macro (runMC.C) is modified for FXT run and should be used with EGenerators::UNIGEN and EVMCType::GEANT4 options for 1000 events. The second macro (runReco.C) is the standard one and should also be used for 1000 events.

We request to produce a dataset with 1M events reconstructed for QA for each beam energy.

Thank you in advance,
Petr Parfenov

The request is approved by the PWG3 co-convenor Arkadiy Taranenko
