Request 32: Flow - vHLLE+UrQMD, 23M BiBi @ 9.2 GeV

I would like to request the following centralized Monte-Carlo production for the purpose of anisotropic flow studies. This production will rely on GEANT4 to simulate the detector response and use hybrid vHLLE+UrQMD as an event generator for Bi+Bi collisions. Requested statistics is 23M events for each equation of state (EoS). Beam energy is 9.2 GeV.

The event generator data from vHLLE+UrQMD model is stored in mcDst format.
The results with crossover EoS (XPT) are stored here:

Each McDst file has TTree with 500 events.

The latest MPDROOT version can be used for this production (commit 59b86076d23fa1a4f2ffeb89038d56867c5ed264 from 2.05.2023).

Please, find below the example of runMC.C and reco.C:
runMC.C (11.4 KB)
runReco.C (6.5 KB)
Their VHLLE generator was chosen, GEANT4 for detector response simulation, and 500 events were set in the arguments.

We request to produce a dataset with 1M events reconstructed for QA.

Thank you in advance,
Petr Parfenov

The request is approved by the PWG3 co-convenor Arkadiy Taranenko

QA was a little delayed. There were no productions for a long time, we spent time to debug the procedure and clusters.
Copied to:
reco: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/vHLLE_UrQMD/BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32
Minis: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/MiniDst/dst-BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/vHLLE_UrQMD/BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32
About 1 million events have already been copied, by the evening everything will be copied.
In the process of debugging, some of the tasks fell, now these tasks are being recalculated. Therefore file numbering is not sequential yet. But in the end, when debugging production, almost two million events turned out.

QA looks fine after the corrections in the vHLLE+UrQMD reader (RP rotation, impact parameter reading from the model). Full production can be started.

Good evening,
production of 47084 files with 500 events.finished, total 23542000 events.
Results in:

minis: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/MiniDst/dst-BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/vHLLE_UrQMD/BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32
dst: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/vHLLE_UrQMD/BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32

The generator files are sorted and copied to the main storage, backup on the NIСA cluster is located in:
generator: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/models/vHLLE_UrQMD/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/BiBi-mp05-23-500-req32

There’s another part of the vHLLE+UrQMD data for this production ready:

Can you also produce data for them as well.
The configuration and soft settings can be used the same as in the original post.

Thank you,
Petr Parfenov
