PHSD + Geant4-based general-purpose simulation project for the study of hyperon polarization for minbias (b = 0-12 fm) Bi (83/209) + Bi (83/209) collisions at 9.2 GeV, full detector configuration.
Please find below the request details:
The generated data files from PHSD model (each file contains 2000 events) can be found here:
File names are of the format phsd-2k-$i.gz ($i varies from 0000 to 7500). Please note that not all files are ready, use only the ones for the generation of the QA sample. We will notify, as soon as all the files are ready and the full production be done.
Please use the same configuration as for Request 25 (same tag). The following files need to be replaced prior to mpdroot compilation for the inclusion of the correct hyperon polarization transfer:
Govorun is switched off for a week, managed to process 348,000 events there. The remaining resources are still busy completing the 25th and 28th requests, these requests are already more than 90% ready. It would have been ready, but there were problems on the clouds, I lost more than a week of production. Copied what is already done in /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/qa/req30/data/ . To do the rest, I’ll try to get direct access to the JSCC RAS, but I’m not sure. which you can get quickly.
This time it took a very long time to copy to the NICA cluster, 11 days…
I have a question regarding the inputfiles for producing this particular data. I’m interested in knowing the precise values given to the parameters in the inputPHSD file (for example, the calculation time, if a partonic phase is considered, etc.). But I cannot find the files, the directory: /zfs/ no longer exists (probably was moved). And I don’t seem to find the inputfiles anywhere, can someone indicate me where are they located?
Good morning.
At Govorun SC, users’ home directories were transferred to a faster file system lustre; now this data is located in the folder: /lustre/home/user/v/vvoronyuk/PHSD-DATA/phsd4.1-2021-05-25-2ee75f73fae2-pol/IPROPOT=0_ISFRIT=1/BiBi-009.00GeV-00.0_12.0fm-50
Thanks for the information, but from the NICA cluster node 101, 103, is not possible to see the directory /lustre, then we can no see anything. Please tell us know how to reach /lustre.
Thank you very much for the quick reply and help!, Andrey.
The files were really useful, but by any chance do you know if the inputfiles or logfiles are also there? or were can they be found?, because those are only the outputfiles. It would be very helpful if I knew if the data is in PHSD or HSD mode (IGLUE: =1 or =0) and what was the calculation time (FINALT: =??).