Request 29: General-purpose (hypernuclei), 20M PHQMD BiBi@9.2 (second collaboration paper)

!!! Test/QA production stage !!!

PHQMD + Geant-4 based general-purpose simulation project for minbias (b = 0-12 fm) Bi (83/209) + Bi (83/209) collisions at 9.2 GeV, full detector configuration.

Please find below the request details:
inputPHSD (2.4 KB)
runMC.C (11.3 KB)
UserDecay.C (6.2 KB)

inputPHSD - PHQMD input file that simulates minbias (0-12 fm) BiBi@9.2 collisions. The value of ‘ISEED’ parameter should be set as a unique integer for each PHQMD run.
runMC.C file was modified to use Pythia-8 for resonance decays for realistic mass shapes and to read PHQMD input files.
UserDecay.C file was modified to introduce all possible fragments in Geant.

For event generation please use the same PHQMD event generator as for Request 15. Please use the attached configuration file inputPHSD.
Please use the same configuration of mpdroot as for Production 25 with only one exception: please replace the gconfig/UserDecay.C file.
For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro.

To validate the production configuration, we need ~ 1,000,000 events reconstructed for QA.
The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.

Please, use these files for the next test/QA:
MpdPHSDGenerator.cxx (6.5 KB)
UserDecay.C (7.0 KB)

Production is over.
Data on the NICA cluster in:
Ten folders with 20,000 files each containing 100 events.
The longest production of all time, at the end there were 62 nodes (3632 cores) of the Govorun supercomputer out of 112.
Including all new nodes with newest Intel ice-lake processors.
The tasks are very heavy, for 100 events about 11 hours on the latest ice-lake processors and 14 hours on cascade processors.
I deleted all the old generation data (not reconstruction) on the NIСA cluster in order to copy the data of this production.
The copy is on tier cluster.
For the next productions, there is no more space in the storage on the NIСA cluster, what data can be moved to tapes?