PHQMD + Geant-4 based general-purpose simulation project for minbias (b = 0-16 fm) Bi (83/209) +Bi (83/209) collisions at 9.2 GeV, full detector configuration.
runMC.C file was modified to use Pythia-8 for resonance decays for realistic mass shapes and to read PHQMD input files.
UserDecay.C file was modified to introduce all possible fragments in Geant.
For event generation please use the same PHQMD event generator as for Request 15. Please use the attached configuration file inputPHSD. The value of ‘ISEED’ parameter should be set as a unique integer for each PHQMD run.
Please use the same configuration of mpdroot as for Production 25 with only one exception. Please replace the following file:
For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro.
To validate the production configuration, we need ~ 50,000 events reconstructed for QA.
The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.
The ‘mpdroot’ should be tagged for this production.
QA done: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-250ev-req27/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/PHQMD/BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-250ev-req27
Very heavy tasks both in terms of CPU time and disk usage. It turned out to be done only on the Govorun on the third attempt and only with the division of the task into 2 parts of 250 events each and with the division of the task into two parts separately generation and reconstruction.
Thanks a lot. I see problems with the QA productions. I have replaced the inputPHSD file for the event generator to fix the problem. Could you please re-run the QA production. This time 20,000 events should be enough for QA. The event generator should run somewhat faster with the updated file.
I didn’t copy new to the cluster while the eos check was in progress, but the check was delayed in time, I copied it to the same place.
new QA at /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-250ev-req27/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/PHQMD/BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-250ev-req27
Dear Victor and Andrey,
I see the line "TString inFile = “auau.04gev.0_3fm.10k.f14.gz” in the input file, which implies that UrQMD infile is used to generate events. Can you please verify the input is actually from PHQMD?
This is the default file name in the script, I call it like this
root -l -q -b runMC.C("/lustre/stor1/dirac/req27/phqmd-BiBi-09.2GeV-mb-eos0-250-0.dat","/lustre/stor1/dirac/req27/phqmd-BiBi-09.2GeV-mb-eos0-250-0.dst.root",0,250,kFALSE,0)
Good afternoon, the production turned out to be problematic, the tasks are very difficult to use disk memory. There were other problems as well, and production ended up taking a long time. Some of the files look incomplete, I’m on vacation, it’s inconvenient to work with a small laptop, so I added another 250,000 events in production. Files in:
5000 files, 250 events each