!!! Test/QA production stage !!!
DCM-QGSM-SMM (GSI) + Geant-4 based general-purpose simulation project for minbias (b = 0-17 fm) Bi (83/209) +Bi (83/209) collisions at 9.2 GeV, full detector configuration.
Please find below the request details:
runMC.C (11.3 KB)
- Input files for BiBi@9.2 collisions can be found at /scratch1/riabovyg/DCM-QGSM-SMM-BiBi92. Each file has 500 events simulated with DCM-QGSM-SMM for minbias (0-16 fm) BiBi@9.2 collisions. 2000 files correspond to 1M data sample
- runMC.C file was modified to use Pythia-8 for resonance decays for realistic mass shapes and read the simulated DCM-QGSM-SMM-BiBi9 input files.
Please use the same mpdroot configuration as for Request 25 (same tag)
For simulation, please use the attached runMC.C macro.
To validate the production configuration, we need ~ 50,000 events reconstructed for QA.
The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster.
QA: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-500ev-req26/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/dcmqgsm/BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-500ev-req26
Thanks a lot for the QA sample. We are ready to move to full-size production after a few changes:
- We updated inputfile files, they are stored in the same location. Plese copy those files for the production. New input files correspond to a wider range of impact parameter.
- Please delete QA sample, it was produced with the previous version of the input files.
- Please replace runMC.C macro, it was updated in the request. The updated runMC.C file does not smear the event plane since it is smeared by the event generator. In the QA sample it was smeared twice.
- Please produce 1 M events and copy DST files to NICA cluster.
- Please copy to NICA cluster one of the files produced after runMC.C macro. It is needed for geometry initialization in some of post-processing macro.
Dear Andrey,
I am trying to run QA, however, for many files I get an error that file can not be reached:
SysError in TFile::TFile: file /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/exp/dst-BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-500ev-req26/BiBi/09.2GeV-mb/dcmqgsm/BiBi-09.2GeV-mp07-22-500ev-req26/dcmqgsm-BiBi-09.2GeV-mb-eos0-500-47.reco.root
can not be opened for reading Network is unreachable
Do you know how to fix the problem? Thanks. Victor.
I waited while the eos check was in progress, but the check was delayed in time, I copied the data again to the same place.