Request 23: PWG2 - PHSD, polarization, 10M min. bias BiBi @ 9 GeV

We would like to make a request from PWG2 to produce 10M (10 * 10^6) min. bias Bi+Bi collisions at 9 GeV (b=[0,12] fm), based on the generated data from PHSD event generator. The dataset will be used for the study of hyperon (Lambda/anti-Lambda) polarization.

Details of the simulation:

The list of generated data from PHSD (files contain 2000 events each) can be found here:


We would like to use the latest version of the “dev” branch of MPDRoot with TPC, TOF and FHCal detectors in the MPD setup, and GEANT3 for particle propagation.

The attached geometry_stage1.C (geometry_stage1.C (1.4 KB) ) and runMC.C (runMC.C (10.8 KB) ) files should be used for the simulation, and attached reco.C (reco.C (7.8 KB) ) for the reconstruction.

After the reconstruction of ~ 200 000 events, we would like to check the production by making several tests. After that, the production of the remaining part should be resumed.

The contact person for all technical questions for this production on behalf of PWG2 is Elizaveta Nazarova (

I can’t start production yet. The initial data on Govorun, and is not yet available for me, Govorun is now disabled due to hacker attacks. I’m waiting for it to turn on.

Andrey, thank you for the information, please let us know when it starts working again

Today they are starting to turn on the GOVORUN. First, there will be a re-registration of users. Then at the weekend they will launch services that I need for production. Access to the GOVORUN will be only from the JINR network. As a result, I will be able to prepare and launch production only after the holidays

The data is uploading to the NICA cluster, after 10-11 hours all the data will be in:

Sorry, DST in: