I would like to request the following centralized Monte-Carlo production for the purpose of anisotropic flow studies. This production will rely on GEANT4 to simulate the detector response and use DCM-QGSM-SMM model as an event generator for Ag+Ag, Au+Au and Bi+Bi collisions. Requested statistics is 5M events for each colliding system and beam energy. Beam energies are 4.0 and 9.2 GeV.
The event generator data from DCM-QGSM-SMM is stored in the UniGen format. It is stored here:
Each UniGen file has TTree with 1000 events.
The latest-release version of MPDROOT module can be used (module add mpdroot/latest-release).
The standard runMC.C and runReco.C could be used:
The first two arguments for the runMC.C macro should be as follows: EGenerators::UNIGEN and EVMCType::GEANT4 correspondingly.
Note, that in both runMC.C and runReco.C, the number of processed events (nEvents) must be set the same as in the McDst (nEvents=1000).
Please, store both formats at NICA cluster.
The request is approved by the PWG3 co-convenor Arkadiy Taranenko
Copying the data to the NIСA cluster took longer than producing them. But in the process adminstrators found a solution how to speed it up.