We would like to make a request for a new MC production with the SMASH [1] as an input event
Collisions: AuAu @ 11.0 GeV, min. bias.
Number of events: 2 mln (the final number will be smaller due to empty events in SMASH, see below).
Here is the config file containing all the necessary settings of MC simulations. Since I cannot upload the fike itself, I am just copypasting its content below:
Version: 1.8
Modus: Collider
Time_Step_Mode: Fixed
Delta_Time: 0.1
End_Time: 200.0
Randomseed: -1
Nevents: 2000
Output_Interval: 200.0
Format: [Root]
Extended: True
Only_Final: IfNotEmpty
Strings: True
Force_Decays_At_End: True
Particles: {2212: 79, 2112: 118} #Au
Particles: {2212: 79, 2112: 118} #Au
Sqrtsnn: 11
Fermi_Motion: on
Sample: quadratic
Range: [0.0, 20.0]
- In order to get min. bias collisions, impact parameter range is set to a range (0, 20) fm with a quadratic distribution.
- As an output, SMASH will produce ROOT-files only (Oscar1999 output is Off).
- The current setting is 2000 events per run.
- The flag Only_Final is set to IfNotEmpty, which means that events with no interaction are not written. => Number of events in output root-files from SMASH will be smaller than 2000. With the current configuration, a fraction of empty events is expected to be ≈45%. Please launch it “as is”.
- Random seed is set to “-1” - it means that the seed will be randomly generated by the operating system.
- Extended output format
Details of the request
- We would like to keep generator-level events (i.e. root-files from SMASH) in order to be able to analyse the output from SMASH directly.
- The output files will have to be copied and stored at NICA cluster, if possible.
[1] SMASH (Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly-interacting Hadrons) is a relativistic hadronic transport approach for the dynamical description of heavy ion reactions - .