Here are the request details:
- Please use the latest -dev version of the MpdRoot
- Copy files below in a directory
- Run command ‘root -b -q RunAnalyses.C’ to execute the Train (single job)
The Train will run over the files listed in file list.txt file. The file provided is for example only. Each job should run over 50,000 events to properly fill in the pools for event mixing. It means that list.txt file for each job should contain ~100 unique DST files. This Train run is for Request 25 mass production, please use DST files from this production.
We are going to need 1M events processed for QA.
DCAs.root (1.4 MB)
list.txt (164 Bytes)
nTr_Centr_Req25-UrQMD.root (5.5 KB)
pCentr.txt (1.4 KB)
pEP.txt (631 Bytes)
pi0.txt (1.9 KB)
pi0_TPConlyPID.txt (1.9 KB)
RunAnalyses.C (1.2 KB)
sim_Geo.root (9.8 MB)
TrackRecEff.root (16.2 KB)