Request 16: PWG1 -- DCM-SMM, min bias BiBi@9.2 GeV, 1 mln

We would like to make a request for a new MC production with the DCM-SMM
as an input event generator. The production will be used for physics
studies within PWG1 (centrality determination with FHCal). It could be
useful for other PWGs as well. Beam energy is 9.2 GeV. Number of events
is 1 mln. This production will rely on GEANT4.

The production will use standard runMC.C and reco.C. Resulted data will
be stored in MpdDst and MiniDst formats. Simulation data will be saved
as well. To validate the production configuration (output), we need
about 50000 events simulated and reconstructed to be passed by our means
through QA tests.

The version of MPDROOT corresponds to the commit
b2b3eb6bd39903538dd9150043ae588d743117e2 from 11.06.21 13:35 (dev

Please, store generation at NICA cluster.

I need the DCM-SMM generator itself or the generated data. I have not found a generator distribution. I found only a description of this generator. As far as I know, there is no interface for this generator in mpdroot, or am I wrong? Which ions should collide Au or Bi?

Simulation of BiBi data at 9.2 GeV in progress.
I’ll inform you when they are ready.

Generated data BiBi at 9.2 GeV are on LIT cluster here
People in A.Ivashkin group have the interface to the generator.

Thank you! I have already transferred the data to the dirac file directory. Now I am debugging with the generator interface in mpdroot. Found the MpdDCMSMMGenerator class in the mpdroot but it works strangely.

500 files, 2000 events per file

Andrey, can you, please, help us in the ransfer to the NICA cluster of the data on this MC official production DCM-SMM (min bias BiBi@9.2 GeV, 1 mln)?
As I undestand, the data were stored at LIT cluster.
Thank you!
Grigory and Elizaveta

On NICA cluster

Andrey, thanks a lot!