This is a PWG2 request to produce 40M (40 10^6) Min. bias Bi+Bi collisions at 9.2 GeV from the PHQMD event generator. This data set will be used for the study of the production of hypernuclei (H3L, H4L, He4L). The number of events is dictated by the estimates for the yields of hypernuclei.
The simulation details:
We suggest to simulate the whole PHQMD data set (40 Mevents) first.
We would like to use the latest version of the “dev” branch of the MPDRoot with only TPC and TOF detectors in the MPD setup and GEANT3 for particle propagation.
For the simulation, the attached geometry geometry_stage1.C (geometry_stage1.C (1.3 KB) ), runMC.C (runMC.C (11.1 KB) ) and genPtVsEta.root (genPtVsEta.root (10.8 KB) ) files should be used. The attached reco.C (reco.C (7.7 KB) ) macro should be used for reconstruction.
After the reconstruction of about 200,000 events, stored on the NICA cluster, we have to validate the production by making several QA tests. After that, the production of the remaining part should be resumed.
The contact person for all technical questions for this production on behalf of PWG2 is Viktar Kireyeu (; (21)6-47-56)
Vadim Kolesnikov, PWG2 coordinator.
40,000,000 events in 8 folders of 5 million events. Each file contains 250 events.
The production was done faster than expected, in 5 weeks. After the letter prepared by O.V. Rogachevsky, we received additional resources.
Dear Andrey,
Thanks a lot!
Have these (additional) resources dedicated to MPD forever,
or were provided temporary for this particular production?
Dear, Vadim.
I hope forever. But recently BM@N began to use dirac and we will have to divide resources with them into tier1 (915 cores) and tier2 (500 cores), we have a common queue on these clusters. We have separate queues for the Govorun and NICA clusters. In this production, we almost did not intersect(we worked at the same time for 3-4 days ), but in the future we will have to divide resources into clusters of tier 1,2.