Request 14: PWG1 - UrQMD, 1M min. bias BiBi @ 9.2 GeV

I would like to request a centralized Monte-Carlo production of 1 million Bi+Bi collisions at 9.2 GeV using UrQMD model. This production will rely on GEANT4 to simulate the detector response and use UrQMD as an event generator and will be used for physics studies within PWG1 (centrality determination). Resulted data will be stored in MpdDst and MiniDst formats. Simulation data will be saved as well.
In summary:

  • Statistics: 1M events;
  • System: Bi+Bi;
  • Beam energy: 9.2 GeV.

The version of MPDROOT corresponds to the commit
b2b3eb6bd39903538dd9150043ae588d743117e2 from 11.06.21 13:35 (dev

Please find below the examples of UrQMD input file, runMC.C and reco.C:
inputfile (109 Bytes)
runMC.C (10.9 KB)
reco.C (7.7 KB)

Note, that ‘rsd’ parameter in the UrQMD input file should be different for each UrQMD run (each file/job). In the examples above the value denoted as @RANDOM@.

Please, store generation at NICA cluster.

The request is approved by the PWG1.
Grigory Feofilov and Alexander Ivashkin

We still can’t work. The day before yesterday and yesterday I made two attempts to launch production. Apparently because of the heat, various pieces of the network break down and the management of the dirac or scratch directories falls off. Now I will try to run it again.
