Request 12: PWG3 - vHLLE+UrQMD, min. bias, AuAu @ 7.7 GeV


We continue our studies concerning a sensitivity of femtoscopic observables and factorial moments to the type of possible phase transition expected in the NICA energy range.
By this request we ask to produce a dataset of 20 MEvents. All necessary macroses (runMC.C (11.1 KB) , reco.C (8.2 KB) ) are attached to the request.

As it was before, the production does not require to perform simulations with generator as input, since all necessary inputs are available in the mcDst-format.

Summarizing the request, we put here a preferable set of parameters for the production:

  1. 20 MEvents, 10 MEvents per each type of EoS (1PT and XPT) vHLLE+UrQMD, min. bias, AuAu @ 7.7 GeV
  2. mcDst-input ( /eos/nica/mpd/users/batyuk/mcDst/vHLLE+UrQMD/cms_7.7GeV/)
  3. A “fresh” version of the MpdRoot software in the dev branch must be used. The used revision has to be tagged for future.
  4. Files produced after the runMC.C execution are considered as temporary ones to be used for reconstruction and we do not require to save them.
  5. When doing the production, one has to save both types of files to be produced as output: standard mpddst and miniDst.
  6. To validate the production configuration (output), we need about of 200 000 events reconstructed to be passed by our means through QA tests.
  7. The output files should be stored at the NICA cluster storage.


QA sample hydro-1PT 200 000 events:

Dear Andrey,

Thank you very much for the good news !!!
We start testing samples for hydro-1PT.

Yes, I just discussed with my colleagues and decided that it is worth making a QA sample for hydro-XPT. Please run these samples.

Best regards,

QA sample hydro-XPT 200 000 events:

Dear Andrey,

Thank you very much!
Our group will start to look at this QA sample next week and let you know when we finish.

Best regards,

Dear Andrey,

QA samples have been verified. No problems were found!
Thank you very much for a good job!

One small request from Grigory Nigmatkulov to replace runMC.C to the new one: runMC.C (11.3 KB) .
There is only one line changed:
// mcDstGen-> SetEventPlane (0., 180. * TMath :: DegToRad ());
mcDstGen-> SetEventPlane (0., 360. * TMath :: DegToRad ()); // new one definition
This will allow us to work more accurately with the data and, possibly, remove some of the asymmetries.

Best regards,



Dear Andrey,

Thank You very much!

Best regards,