I am facing a problem trying to connect to ncx NICA cluster. The connection couldn’t be established for a several days now with the following error message:
“Connection to ncx103.jinr.ru closed by remote host.
Connection to ncx103.jinr.ru closed.”
I’ve checked all interactive gates 101-106 with the same result. Does anyone know why is the cluster not working and when it will be on-line again?
I do not see such a problem now:
$ ssh kmikhail@ncx105.jinr.ru kmikhail@ncx105.jinr.ru’s password:
Last failed login: Wed Oct 20 11:32:15 MSK 2021 from gw-hlit.jinr.ru on ssh:notty
There was 1 failed login attempt since the last successful login.
Last login: Tue Oct 12 15:43:37 2021 from bird.itep.ru
Attention! Attention! Attention!
New scratch disks /scratch1 and /scratch2 are now mounted on the ncx-cluster.
The old scratch disk /weekly is now a link to /scratch1.