Mpdroot does not compile

The Mpdroot does not compile with 'How to install instructions. It crashes on ‘cmake …’ command:

– Looking for FFTW… found /usr/lib64/
CMake Error at cmake/modulesLegacy/FindEigen3.cmake:20 (MESSAGE):
Error, Eigen3 include dir not found. Did you set EIGEN3_ROOT variable?
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake/CMakeListsLegacy.cmake:150 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:14 (include)

From in dev branch:

Additional MPDroot dependencies:

  • fftw3-devel, eigen3-devel, gtest-dev packages for RedHat based OS or fftw3-dev, libeigen3-dev, libgtest-devel for Debian based OS

Do you have eigen3 installed?

I am using the interactive ncx nodes of the NICA cluster. I guess eigen3 is not installed:

pkg-config --modversion eigen3
Package eigen3 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `eigen3.pc’
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package ‘eigen3’ found

Who is supposed to install the package? Or I am doing something wrong?

Well, I guess it is related to this issue:

The eigen packages are required for the tpc alignment classes, so a possible quick fix is probably to remove them and eigen requirements. Or, I guess, installing and pointing to your own eigen installation (on ncx)
Maybe a ticket to ncx-cluster support?


I am just solving it right now with NCX tech support.
They promised to install required dependency and grant me cluster access (I wrote the auto installation script). I will look at it, and if needed adjust the script for the cluster asap

Will keep you updated.

@riabovvg @geraksiev

please check your email




Thanks for the instructions. I tried to follow them on NCX103 with the following problem:
[riabovvg@ncx103 build]$ cmake …
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:7 (CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED):
CMake 3.0 or higher is required. You are running version

– Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
[riabovvg@ncx103 build]$ cmake --version
cmake version
[riabovvg@ncx103 build]$

What should I do?

  • first you have to do, as shown in the gif:
  1. source /cvmfs/
  2. module add mpddev
  • this will load the basic environment in which you can compile new mpdroot version (there is Cmake v3.19.2 in it).

The main advantage of this new approach is that we are not dependent on ancient versions of packages that are installed on the cluster (side note: it is even theoretically impossible to compile new versions of fair suite with packages installed on the cluster).
The updated packages are now loaded from external, cluster-independent source - cvmfs.
Including latest versions of Fair suite.

Now it worked! It seems that I typed the same commands previously and it did not work. Probably I did something wrong at that time. Thanks anyway!

Do I get it right that the approach described works only on NCX103? What are the prospects for other nodes and what’s more important for batch jobs? Thanks

Yes, currently it works only on NCX103.
There is a promise from admins to install cvmfs on all nodes.
There will be no effect on current work of batch jobs (that’s the answer I got from Andrey Moshkin)

I would say, if you and other users send request to admins to install cvmfs asap, it will speed everything up

Thanks. So, with the current scheme, the NICA cluster is useless till the installation of cvmfs on all nodes (batch jobs should have it to access to fairsoft/fairroot libraries, including root). Is it right?

How can I send such a request?

Today I sent Ivan instructions on how to install and configure cvmfs. He promises to install cvmfs on all nodes of the cluster in the coming days .
The request can be made as a ticket in the cluster support system:

Ok, I submitted a ticket, I hope it will help to speed up the process. Please drop a line here in case you get any news on the subject. Thanks!

Hello Victor Riabov,
An agent just replied to your ticket: cvmfs on NICA nodes. Here is what they said on ticket #337:
Yes i will do it before the holidays, please wait.

Works on all nodes, since yesterday evening.

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