About the Correlations and Fluctuations category

The place to discuss topics related to MPD Physics Working Group 3 - Correlations and Fluctuations

Dear Adam,

I’m not sure I understand who to create a list of PWG3 member and add new members of PWG3 at
Jun Pluta sent me official request to be a member of PWG3(CF) MPD collaboration.
With great respect I would like approve this request for wold well-known physicist professor Jun Pluta.
Could you please write how to do it?


Hi Adam,

Thank You for help! I invited Jan Pluta to the PWG3.
May I ask You one more question. There was FEMTO meeting in our group today:
Grigory Nigmatkulov presented PicoDST format which he created for STAR.
We discussed the use of such a PicoDST for MPD. We also discussed plans to introduce the PicoDST in MPD root.
Should I post this information to the forum? And if yes, how to do it better?
Sorry for the trouble, but I am just learning how to use our forum.
