#-------Parameters used for analysis------ applySelection true # Event selection: mZvtxCut 150 // cut on vertex z coordinate mNhitsCut 1 // number of hits in TPC tracks used for centrality # V0 cuts: mMinR2Cut 15 // (cm) Minimal conversion radius (to exclude Dalitz) mMaxR2Cut 100 // (cm) Maximal conversion radius (to exclude poorly reconstructed tracks) mPIDsigM 4 // dEdx PID parameters mPIDsigE 4 // dEdx PID parameters mPIDenergy 11 // dEdx PID parameters mPIDkoeff 1 // dEdx PID parameters mPIDgenerator NSIG // dEdx PID parameters mPIDtracking CF // dEdx PID parameters mPIDparticles elpikapr // dEdx PID parameters mNofHitsCut 10 // minimal number of hits to accept track mEtaCut 1 // maximal pseudorapidity accepted mPtminCut 0.05 // minimal pt used in analysis mNofHitsCut 10 // minimal number of hits to accept track mProbElCut -1 // minimal dEdx probability for electrons (does not seem to be filled) mdEdxSigmaCut 3 // dEdx cut in sigmas mBetaSigmaCut 3 // beta cut mRequireTOFpid false // mRequireTOFpid mAlphaCut 0.10200000 //r vs p angle mMassCut 0.051 // e+e- pair mass cut mDistCut 2.8 // maximal closest distance between daughters mCosPsiCut 0.275 // e+e- pair orientation wrt B-filed mChi2Cut 10 // maximal chi2 in Kalman fit mUseBDT 0 // Use Boosted Decision Tree mUseBDTRegP 0 // Use BDT estimate (regression) of momentum mBDTCut 0.17 // BDT classificator cut [-1.,1.], recomended values [-0.2,0.2] # Cluster cuts: mCluEmin 0.05 // (GeV) minimal cluster energy mCluMult 0 // minimal number of cells in cluster mCluTofMin -20. // (N) minimal time wrt photon arrival divided by time resolution mCluTofMax 20. // (N) minimal time wrt photon arrival divided by time resolution mCluDisp 99999. // disp cut mCluCPV -1. // (sigma) minimal distance to charged track extrapolation