Hello Andrey!
Thank you very much for producing the QA test statistics for request 31!!!
After testing last week, two problems were found.
One critical bug, and one functional.
The first one leads to incorrect recording of freeze coordinates in the GenTracks branch,
and the second one does not allow reading the particle code from the GenTracks branch.
I will ask you to make two changes to the dev (this action will require the release of a new TAG ???):
- Fix the badass bug in class MpdMcDstGenerator
simulation/generators/mpdGen/MpdMcDstGenerator.cxx · dev · NICA / mpdroot · GitLab
Change line 91 in MpdMcDstGenerator.cxx
track->SetXYZT(px, py, particle->z(), particle->t());
track->SetXYZT(particle->x(),particle->y(), particle->z(), particle->t());
Please add a getter to the class MpdGenTrack
core/mpdBase/MpdGenTrack.h · dev · NICA / mpdroot · GitLab
I need to add fPdg getter after line 40:
Int_t GetPdg() {return fPdg;}
After making these changes to the mpdroot code
please produce a new statistics 100 K events for new QA tests.
Thanks a lot!
dst: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/qa/req31g4v3/dst/
mini: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/qa/req31g4v3/mini/
Dear Andrey,
I can not check the details of the three-dimensional correlation function due to a lack of statistics.
I need about one million events if it is possible.
Please, produce an addition of 900 K events with the same conditions.
added 900k events in:
dst: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/qa/req31g4v3/dst/
mini: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/qa/req31g4v3/mini/
Dear Andrey,
I have finished with the QA tests of request 31.
So I ask you to start the mass production for this request, please.
Thanks a lot,
for each file type there are 10 folders with 10,000 files in each, the admins asked not to make too large folders due to possible problems with EOS.
Dear Andrey,
We need new test called
Test/QA production 1e5 events for using N-cross and N-share
The idea is to get new (from this year mpd root version tags/v6-28-10@v6-28-10) track quality values:
– Number of pad rows crossed by the reconstructed track,
– Number of shared hits in the track.
It seems now a cut on these values could change the significant problem with two-track reconstruction.
So we would like to ask you to produce 10^5 events
UrQMD + Geant-3 based femtoscopy-purpose simulation with freeze-out coordinates project for minbias (b = 0-16 fm) Bi (83/209) +Bi (83/209) collisions at 9.2 GeV
with generation and reconstruction macros:
runMC.C (12.2 KB)
runReco.C (7.6 KB)
Input root DST files are at the same place at
This activity was discussed at the Physics Council on February 13, 2024 and was encouraged by Viсtor Ryabov.
Konstantin Mikhaylov (konstantin.mikhaylov@cern.ch) on behalf of PWG3
QA: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/qa/req31g4v4/
Добрый день, Андрей,
Мы посмотрели на QA, все выглядит хорошо. Единственное, что некоторые сигналы требуют большей статистики. Мы можем увеличить число событий до 1М? Заранее спасибо.
Dear Andrey,
Thanks for the first attempt to start production!
Yes, I think the problem that the new runReco.C is different from the file we used in March 2024.
I’ve checked runMC and runReco for 10 events with input urqmd file:
Everyting is in directory:
The runReco.C is a new from $MPDROOT_MACROS/common/runReco.C
The runMC.C is the same as it was in 2023 except for the name of the input file which is not important.
For ten events results look reasonable.
It is reasonable to create 100Kevents first and let me do the test with my analysis code.
Then continue production if everything is ok.
one million events: /eos/nica/mpd/sim/data/qa/req31g4v5/